spotify-codes a happy man listen to music
spotify-codes a happy man listen to music

Spotify Codes are unique identifiers assigned to each content on the Spotify app. Spotify code can help singers who want to become artists on Spotify share their Spotify playlists and songs more accessible. Sharing Spotify playlists and songs can help increase artists’ Spotify streams. Spotify users can use this feature to share their desired content on social media platforms. Besides, podcasters can use them to share their Spotify podcasts.

If you want to know more about this topic, I recommend you read this article to the end.

The Complete Spotify Codes 2022 Guide

What Is a Spotify Code?

Spotify codes were introduced by Spotify company in 2017 to satisfy its customers. For years, smartphones with cameras were inaccessible, and luxury asset but we now all take for granted..
The company took advantage of letting artists share their music through the code among their fans. Now ordinary people can scan those codes using their camera phones to instantly access whatever they want to listen to in a fraction of a second.

According to my understanding of Spotify, there are four types of codes:

Also each content on Spotify

Spotify codes - how to Spotify
Spotify codes – how to Spotify

has a unique identifier, Spotify gives you a URL code for each content and after that, you can convert the URL code to QR-code or Bar code.

Sharing Content

You can also easily share each content on Spotify with these codes among your friends on the Social Media platforms. You scan( QR code, Barcode) or paste( URL code, URI code) them and quickly have your desired song or playlist on your mobile phone or computer.

Spotify codes can bring a lot of facilities for artists or Spotify users. As a regular user, you can easily share your desired content with your friends. As an artist, by sharing these codes on social media, you can easily promote your albums, playlists, and songs.

And also, artists can print these barcodes or QR-codes of their artworks on Posters, postcards. Besides, in their live shows and concerts, they can give out cards, flyers, gigs, stickers, and confetti printed codes on them. 

By that, if somebody among their audience loves the songs performed and wants to listen to them again, they can achieve those songs by that Spotify’s code. Along with that, artists can introduce their playlists or albums on Spotify to their fans.

In the following, we will have a deeper look at these different kinds of code.

Let’s start with URL code

What is Spotify URL Code

The Spotify URL determines the identity of each Spotify artist, album, and track in the Spotify application. URL codes have consist of 3 different sections.

Spotify URLs -how to Spotify
Spotify URLs -how to Spotify

Remember URL code has three-part, and the third part consists of 22 characters so when you copy the URL, pay attention to this point that, you should delete the characters after character number 22.

Spotify URL code – how to Spotify

How to Get Spotify URL Code

For getting the URL code you should find your desired content on the Spotify app or the Spotify web player and after that you can follow these steps to find your desired URL code:

In this part I am going to show you how to find Artist, playlist and song Spotify code:

How to Get Spotify URL Code For Artist on Phone

  1. Find your desired artist profile.
  2. Click on the “…”
  3. Click on the Share.
  4. Click on the “Copy Link”.
  5. Press Ctrl+V to paste it everywhere you want.
Spotify copy URL artist code – how to Spotify

How to Get Spotify URL Code For Artist Profile on Laptop

1- Find your desired artist which you want to share his or her URL code.

how to get Spotify URL artist code

2- Click on the “…”

3- Click on Share.

4- Click on the “Copy link to Artist” to copy the link on the clipboard.

Now you can Paste the URL code on social media and share it among your friends.

How to Get Spotify Code for Playlist or Album

For getting URL code you should follow the same process on Pc on Desktop app you can not get URL code from Spotify Web player:

copy URL artist code on desktop Spotify app – how to Spotify

How to Get Spotify URL Codes For Song on Computer

For getting the URL code on your laptop you should follow these steps;

  1. Log in
  2. Search the song or the content you want to find its URL.
  3. Click on it to be led on the page like the photo below.
get Spotify code for laptop – how to Spotify

4. Click on the three dots.

5. You have a list now, click on the “Copy Song Link” to copy the code on your laptop clipboard.

copy URL song code on Spotify desktop app -how to Spotify

What is Spotify URI Code

The Spotify URI code is the unique identifier (link) of a song, album, or playlist. If you paste this code in the search bar of your Spotify app, you can easily find that content on Spotify. You can get this code from the Spotify app. Remember To find a URI code, you need to access your Spotify desktop app; you cannot get this code from your Spotify web player.

Like URL code, this code consists of 3 parts:

Spotify URI code – how to Spotify

How to Get Spotify URI Codes

For getting URI code you should follow these steps;

  1. Find your desired content on Spotify( song, playlist, artist profile).
  2. Click on the “…”.
  3. Click on the Share.
  4. Click on the “Copy Spotify URI”.
get Spotify URI code songs- Spotify codes – How to Spotify
get Spotify URI code playlist – Spotify codes – How to Spotify

Note: In the new version of the Spotify app, If you cannot see “Copy Spotify URI,” You should:

copy URI playlist code on Spotify – Spotify code – How to Spotify
getting URI song code Spotify – Spotify code – how to Spotify
copy URI artist code on Spotify new version – Spotify code – how to Spotify

How to convert URL code to URI code:

You can easily convert URL code to URI code; for that, you need to divide each part of your URL code by Colon (:) and change the URL address in the first part of your code by the name of Spotify.

convert URL to URI – Spotify code – How to Spotify code

What is Spotify Bar Code

Spotify barcode -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Barcode is an intelligent code that use bars with different height to encode the data. Spotify considers some rules and standards for its barcode so by checking these rules, you can understand which barcode is fake and which one is the valid barcode.

1- Bar Codes have 8 bars of various sizes.
2- The first and last bars always have zero height. (those bars have the shortest height in the codes)
3- The size of the 12th bar in the barcode is always one of the highest bars in the barcode.
4- The barcode has 23 bars, and as you understood, only 20 bars out of 23 contain data.

Spotify barcode -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

For more information about barcodes, I recommend you Peter Boone website.

What is Spotify QR Code

Spotify QR code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

QR codes are types of 2D matrix barcodes invented in 1994 by a Japanese automaker. Denso Wa developed this technology and used it to track the product information on his company. As time goes by, this technology has become global, and all factories and companies use it.

All security risks associated with QR codes, such as phishing, hacking, and malware, are caused by the final destination, not QR code technology.

In 2017, Spotify joined this group of companies by introducing its codes to make sharing and finding Spotify content easier for artists and ordinary users.

How to Get Spotify Code

As I found, 😊There are Four different types of Spotify codes:

Spotify will only share the URL and URI code while the barcode and QR code will be shared by artists only.
Now let’s talk about how to get these codes.

How to Get Spotify Bar Codes

Spotify barcode -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Some artists publish the Spotify bar code of their content on the Spotify app. You can find that code on the Spotify app by following these steps:

Spotify code for phone -Spotify codes – how to Spotify
generate Spotify code – how to Spotify

How to Scan Spotify Code on Phone?

To have your content on your device, after creating your songs code or receiving one from a friend, you need to scan that code. Follow these steps to scan QR code on your device;

1- At first, you must have a Spotify app on your phone so open the app and then click on “search”.

2- You will see the icon of the camera on the right. After clicking on it, let it have access to your camera and photos so you can scan a code.

3- Do the scanning process by pointing the camera at the code and the song will appear on your Spotify app at the end!

scan Spotify code- how to Spotify

The code can be the one you have saved it in your photos previously or you have received as an image from another Spotify user.

4- Point your camera at a barcode:

scan code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

5- you can also select your desired code from photos.

select Spotify bar code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

6- After some seconds will guide you to your desired content on the Spotify app.

How to Generate Spotify Bar Code

If you can not find your desired content code in the Spotify app or if you are an artist and want to generate the code of your desired content, you can follow these steps:

1- For generating a barcode, you need a URL code. For finding the URL, you should follow these steps:

generate Spotify code by link – how to Spotify

2- Go to the Spotify codes website.

3- Paste the URL of the song that you want to find its codes.

4- Click on the Codes.

5- Click on the Download to get your desired song’s code.

Spotify barcode – how to Spotify

It is not necessary to print your barcode on a white background and you can produce your barcode with any color and background.
Code generator has provided several features for this scan-able tag. You can change:

These are how you can get the code from the app on your phone and on your laptop!

Spotify code – how to Spotify

How to Generate Spotify QR Code

Despite the fact that you may think all QR codes are the same at first glance, that is not the case.

There are 40 different QR code versions with different sizes. Each of them has specific modules which can hold a particular amount of alphanumeric characters. Data modules are the black and white square that your QR code is made by them. Using a higher QR code version, you can have more data modules and transfer more characters with your QR code.

QR code versions- how to Spotify

As you can see in the table, QR codes can hold between 25 to 4296 numbers and characters so when you want to choose your desired QR code, you consider some essential points:

Two factors to choose your appropriate QR code version.


Remember do not use a QR code version that is much larger than you need. For example, if your data has 110 characters you can use the QR code versions that are higher than QR code version 4.

As we pointed out before, it is better to consider your text a little bit longer than what it is, in reality, should be. By that, you can use a QR code error correction system for your QR code. So version number 5 can be a good choice for you. But you may ask yourself why I can not choose version 30. to answer this question, we should mention the second factor which you should consider, and that factor is:

Load Time:

When you choose a QR code with higher quality, the QR code reader needs more time to read it, and a long loading time can affect your customer satisfaction. Besides, when you use a QR code with optimal quality, you can use them on your business card, email, and windows. These options can be helpful for you to have a more successful marketing campaign. Scanning code from a closer destination is essential for most of us, so more optimal QR codes can satisfy this need.

All in all, it is recommended to consider these points to generate a QR code to have a more successful marketing campaign for your albums and songs.

How to Generate Spotify QR Codes on Computer

You need a Spotify URL code and QR code generator to convert the URL code to the QR code. You can find a Spotify codes generator on the internet; here, I introduce the “QR Code Generator” to you. Please follow these steps to create a QR code:

1- Open the content(Artist profile, songs, playlist, album…) on Spotify that you want to create a QR code for that and click on the “…”.

2- Click on the “Share”.

3- Copy the link to that content.

copy QR code – how to Spotify

Now you should go to your desired QR Code Generator; we recommend the QR Code Generator  website. If you have not signed up on this website yet, you should sign up first. It is free.

QR code generator web – how to Spotify

Login to your account on this web and follow the steps below:

4- Click on the Create QR code button.

QR code generator – how to Spotify

5- Click on the website.

6- Click on the “Next.”

website QR code- how to Spotify

7- Paste the URL.

8- Click on the “Next.”

insert URL Spotify code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

9- Choose your desired frame.

10- Choose the shape of the QR code.

11- Here, you can upload your logo or your desired picture on the QR code.

Either click “UPLOAD” and choose your selected image or use website suggestions.

12- Click on the “DOWNLOAD“.

download Spotify QR code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

You can use your QR code now.

Spotify QR code-Spotify codes – how to Spotify

How to Generate Spotify QR Code on Phone

To get a Spotify QR code, you need to have the URL code of your contents and a QR code generator on your phone. For getting URL code, you should follow these steps:

Now you need to use a QR generator to turn the link into the QR code. You can use the “QR-Tiger” app for converting URL code to QR code. Download and install it on your phone.

  1. Click on the URL QR.
  2. Paste the URL link and click on the Generate QR Code.
QR code generator-compressed -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

3- Choose your desired pattern for your QR code.

4- Choose your desired Eyes shape.

5- Click on the Logo and upload your desired Logo.

6- Click on the Color tab and specify your desired colour for your QR code and click on Done.

create QR code by iPhone-compressed -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

7- Click on the “Download for free” button.

download QR code phone-compressed -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Your QR code is ready now. Keep in your mind that these QR codes can be used both for digital and paper platforms.

How to Install QR Code Generator on Phone.

I want to introduce you “QR-Tiger” app, which you can generate and scan QR codes on your phone.

For installing it on your iPhone:

QR code generator -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

For installing it on your Android device:

QR code generator android -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Spotify Code Scanner

Spotify has a barcode generator for its user and you can convert URL code to Barcode easily, we pointed it out before but for QR code you need a QR code generator and QR code scanner on your device to use it.

Although you can use your device features that we will explain in this text in order to use the Spotify QR code if you want to have more facilities you can install a QR scanner on our device.

After that, you can scan the Spotify QR code and if you will see your desired Spotify content.

How to Scan Spotify QR Codes on Laptop

For desktop Spotify users we recommend Spotify users use the online method.

Here I want to introduce the “Webqr” website.

For scanning your desired code:

1- Go to the ” Webqr ” website.

2- Click on the Scan.

scan QR code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

3- Click on the Camera picture.

4- In order to upload a QR code, click on the “Choose File”.

scan QR Spotify code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

5- Select your desired QR code on your Pc and click on the Open.

choose QR code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

6- You can see Your desired Spotify URL code at the bottom of the screen and by clicking on them you will lead to your desired content on Spotify.

convert QR code to URL code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

How to Scan Spotify QR Codes on iPhone

Either you can scan QR codes with your phone if you have a new model phone or you can use a QR code scanner.

How to Scan Spotify QR Codes on iPhone With out App

For people who have iOS devices which versions are higher than 11, you can your devices features to scan your desired QR code. For that you should follow these steps:

1- At first you need to check your device version for that follow this path

Click on Setting > About

Scroll down to find the version item and check your device version here.

iPhone version check -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

2- Activate Scan QR Codes for your mobile’s camera.

Click on the Camera > turn on Scan QR Codes.

scan QR code activate -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

3- Click on the Camera and place it on the QR code, your device camera can recognize the QR code and after some seconds you will lead to your desired Spotify content after a few seconds.

scan Spotify QR code -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

How to Activate QR Reader On iPhone

If your iOS device version is higher than 11 your device has a QR reader in it, for activating QR reader on iOS devices you should follow these steps:

1- Click on the Setting.

2- Click on the Control center.

3- Click on Customize Controls.

4- Click on the Plus sign to add a QR Code Reader for your device.

QR code reader -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

5- QR code reader will appear on your mobile screen, you can run it and scan your desired QR codes.

QR code reader on the iOS device -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

How to Scan Spotify QR Codes on iPhone With App

If you do not like to use your phone features or you want to have an app on your phone to create QR codes for yourself we recommend the QRtiger app.

1- Download and install it on your phone.

2- Click on the Scan key.

3- Hold your camera’s phone on the QR code, after a few seconds you will find your desired content on Spotify.

scan QR code tiger -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

How to Scan Spotify QR Codes on Android

For android devices you can download and install the “QR tiger” app too, for that follow these steps:

1- Install and open it.

2- Click on the Scan.

3- Hold your camera on the QR code to scan your QR code and after the scanning process, the code will bring you to the intended URL.

QR tiger code scanner android -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Spotify Codes Stickers

If you are into music and you want to have or share the music everywhere like on your cup, your PC, and even your car, you can use these stickers!

Spotify code sticker -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

As we mentioned the way you can get the codes, is quite an easy and friendly way to enjoy Spotify audios everywhere. So, the first step for you is getting the code. Then you can form it like a sticker and use it for personal aim.

Do Spotify Code Tattoos Work?

If you love tattoos and music and the idea of tattooing code on your skin has crossed your mind, I can tell you this idea will work.
You can tattoo the code of your desired song on your skin and this code can be scanned.
But you should not ignore only one thing before tattooing and that is the skill of your tattoo artist.
Fortunately, technology has solved this issue for you. And you can download the code you want with devices like Prinker and tattoo your desired song’s code on your skin. This tattoo is temporary and you can easily remove it or replace it with another tattoo whenever you get tired of this tattoo on your skin.

Can I Print Spotify Codes?

Every track, artist, album, and playlist have a unique code and you can share them with the world!

There is no limit!

no matter whether you are using Premium plans or a free one, you can copy the codes and share them!

How to Print Spotify Codes

So, if you have time to be more creative about sharing Spotify content, you can print them out!

If you are eager to put them on a physical product, you have to follow the guidelines and Email Spotify. (

When the code is available that will be easy to print it out and you can use it for your room, your car or other places that you want! 

Feel free to share it wherever you like!

 Make sure that you are using the code for personal use because you are not allowed to use it for a commercial purpose unless you followed guidelines and sent an email to for approval.

Spotify Codes Free

On Spotify, every track, artist, album, and playlist have a unique code and you can share them with the world according to Spotify rules.

There is no limit!

No matter whether you are using Premium plans or a free one, you can copy the codes and share them!

If you can’t afford a premium account or you are not sure to pay for it, you can use code generator sites for generating free codes to enjoy listening to the songs without annoying ads, offline mode and other features.

Here are some sites:

warning: these sites might have viruses, trojans, and keyloggers. So, it is risky to use these sites and we should remind you that if the site offers you free things so you need to have a closer look!

Is It Illegal to Sell Spotify Codes?

Spotify has published updated rules in 2020 and according to it, you are not allowed to sell physical goods (such as its packaging, tags, and other similar kinds of stuff) that includes Spotify codes.

They are for personal use and entertainment!

If you are really eager to use the codes on your products for selling, you have to follow Spotify guidelines and send an email to for the process.

You also are not allowed to use them on content, goods or services that are against the laws and including the items below (there are more…):

  • Adult products and services, tobacco, drugs and related products such as –>
illegal’s terms for using Spotify codes -how to Spotify
  • Any illegal conduct, product, enterprise or service, including but not limited to
illegal’s terms for using Spotify codes – how to Spotify
  • Cryptocurrencies and related content including not limited to: —->
illegal’s terms for using Spotify codes-how to Spotify
  • The use of Spotify Codes in connection with political advertising or campaigns. this includes but is not limited to: —>
illegal’s terms for using Spotify codes – how to Spotify
  • It is also prohibited in connection with the following content( unless expressly approved by Spotify via —>

And also, dangerous weapons, such as:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • Related accessories
illegal’s terms for using Spotify codes -how to Spotify

Spotify Codes Premium

With Premium codes, you will have access to premium service according to Spotify legal rules.

There are  Spotify gift cards that have 12 months of validation and if you get one, you need to go Spotify website and make it Activate!

Spotify gift cards -Spotify codes – how to Spotify

You also can use a code from your in-store receipt.

here are the steps:

  1. Going to the Spotify website

Warning: Spotify gift cards can’t be used for:

These gift cards are only for Premium individual plans.

How to Redeem Spotify Code

For redeeming the code you should have a Premium account.

follow these steps to redeem your code;

1- Open the Spotify app.

2- Click on the Profile Icon.

redeem Spotify codes – how to Spotify

3- Click on the Activate.

Spotify account overview – how to Spotify

4- Enter your premium code and zip code.

5- Click on the Enter Code.

redeem Spotify codes – how to Spotify

Can’t Redeem Spotify Code

If you can’t redeem the code, check these tips:


The Spotify code is a unique scannable tag that you can use to locate and share content on Spotify.
You can also use a code generator to create QR codes for your content.

These codes give users with a free account the chance to hear music without any advertisements.

It is also possible to print the codes on your car, laptop, cups and other your items but pay attention to this point that In certain areas, such as printing on dangerous weapons, for political campaigning and commercial purposes, on cryptocurrencies, on adult products like drugs and cigarettes, Spotify prohibits the use of these codes.

Our intention was to cover as much information regarding the “Spotify Codes” subject as possible in this article. However, if we have missed something, or you still have a question regarding this topic, which we did not address in our article, please submit it in the comment box below, we will try to answer it in our next posts or by updating this article.

If you find this article useful, then please let your friends know about it. This gives us the energy to produce the next better article.

5 Responses

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